• @[email protected]
    313 days ago

    I have a character sitting at the table at the end of the game before starting up another round of Ng+, will that work for the DLC? Or does it have to be before the fire giant?

    • 🇰 🔵 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️
      13 days ago

      I watched a couple of prep videos from people who played the 3 hour demo and they said just have a dude who’s beaten the game but hasn’t moved to journey 2.

      I have a few in that state already, but I’m also wondering if there is a cut off trigger. Like if the final boss is dead, can I still go into the DLC? Or even if I can, if there are new ending conditions to change the ending can I obtain them? Technically I’ve already committed to an ending and seen the credits roll; I just haven’t moved to J2 at the Roundtable.

      • @[email protected]
        313 days ago

        Yeah. I ran through every main ending with the same character, and I think this last one was the Age of Stars ending. I don’t mind starting up a new journey to get to the DLC, I’d just rather get it out of the way so I can just straight into it when it releases. Thursday is my day off, and I’d rather not waste all of the time I have to play on rehashing the old stuff.

        • If you can beat Mogh at a low level, it only takes like an hour of play going straight for the medal (via Varre’s quest; assuming you just invade 3 times and exit instead of going to Altus to kill whats-his-face) to teleport to his palace. But of course, you do have to kill Mogh, so that’s where it’s gonna eat up time from a fresh toon if you’re not super good at the game. Grabbing a good weapon, some rocks and maybe grinding the red dudes or the bird.

      • @[email protected]
        113 days ago

        Yeah. I’m just hoping there isn’t a cut off after you have completed other parts of the story. Guess I’ll find out in a day and a half. Worse comes to worse I beeline it in a new run.

        • @[email protected]
          13 days ago

          I doubt they’d make a dlc you can accidentally lock yourself out of. People would lose their minds. Maybe accidentally as a bug.

              • @[email protected]
                113 days ago

                No, I don’t think they have, but I wouldn’t put it past them. I remember being trapped in the sewers in Dark Souls after I got petrified and permanently lost a chunk of my life total. I just restarted the game because there was no way for me to get back out with such low total life.

                • @[email protected]
                  113 days ago

                  That’s not the game locking you out of stuff, that’s you being stuck in a portion of the game. Totally different. ER did that too, with the trap teleport chests. Usually you have to fight your way out. If you’re underleveled, it’s going to be an ordeal, but it is doable.

                  • @[email protected]
                    113 days ago

                    In most soulslike games, you can usually sprint through most areas without ever fighting common enemies. I don’t recall any teleport in ER that you can’t just escape from.