apparently my city literally literally banned public rail funding, and people online love jerking off about how good biking is, so i figured might as well try. I have come up with:


  • good for mental health / exercise / endorphins
  • arguably quaint
  • feel like an old timey guy taking his wares to market
  • feel european
  • can annoy others
  • less of a police state around them vs cars
  • more flexible parking, routes
  • capacity to be peaceful
  • nice in summer


  • look like an annoying dork (esp w neon - which also hurts the quaint factor)
  • have to wear a helmet (^)
  • getting sweaty, potentially “unpresentable” for work
  • still have to find safe parking
  • still takes a while
  • have to find new routes to places
  • can’t listen to music or might die
  • little meaningful protection against severe injury
  • can only carry so many groceries/etc
  • sucks in winter
  • @[email protected]
    464 months ago

    From a European perspective (I use car/bicycle/train/longboard), a few pointers rather than a pro-con/list

    • The more people use a bicycle, even casually, The more it put pressures on local politician to do something

    • For short distances (<5km) in town, it’s faster than the car

    • Gloves are more important than helmet, on the couple of fall I got, gloves protected my hands, while my head didn’t hit. However, if you’re in a severe accident a helmet can make the difference so I still recommend one.

    • Beware of your clothe, if you wear black, at night, without lights, you call for problem, and I can see how even good faith motorists can hit you.

    • Paint isn’t infrastructure but at least remind the motorists that you have the right to be there. I can see how the mayor call the infrastructure director and ask them for bike lane without any budget, but it sucks

    • Be a bit agressive, and look for eye-contact before passing between car, keep distance from parked car, they can open a door, If you don’t think a car can pass you with a safe distance (small urban streets) stay in the middle of the road, and stop to the side when you can to let the car pass you.

    • A backpack, or bike pack helps a lot carrying groceries, not really an excuse

    • The problem isn’t that much the winter (unless you live on a really cold place) but the rain, good clothe can help, but still.