• @[email protected]
    419 days ago

    Quest guides like what Belgdore is talking about just tell you who to fight/talk to if you want to finish certain quests or get certain endings. It doesn’t tell you how to fight your battles and usually doesn’t even cover how to get there (unless its especially arcane – looking at you Millicent).

    Further, the best part of these kinds of games (at least IMO) is the adventure itself. Working through a zone to a boss and then learning how to overcome the boss is the fun part. It’s the part of the game that makes you hone your skill as a player and “git gud”. Quest guides… stat build guides… pretty much anything short of a zone walkthrough or boss mechanic overview won’t help you with that.

    • @[email protected]
      119 days ago

      Okay, I definitely like exploring new areas and finding out what’s going on, and kicking ass of course.

      I can only remember posts about how to technically defeat this or that regarding elden ring, so I thought that’s all there was to it.

      Especially because there were so many posts, but none of them reflected anything except the technical mechanics of dodging after this fire ring or whatever.

      • @[email protected]
        219 days ago

        I never look at “how to beat certain bosses” guides, usually it’s very hard to understand anyway and I have much more fun learning the bosses movesets myself… Not to say there isn’t a lot of trial and error dying, oh there is a lot of that.