I have really been loving my steam deck lately. I’ve now played through Fallout 3, New Vegas, all of their respective DLCs, and am about 100hrs into 4 right now.

Normally I play indie games since that’s where my interests are and I grow tired of the AAA jackassery.

I mention that to illustrate that I do use and live the deck. But I guess I’m not creative enough to use the back buttons at all. So to the title question:

  • What games do you play that make the most use of the back buttons?

  • What functions are mapped to those buttons?

  • Or are you like me and just never use them?

  • @[email protected]
    325 days ago

    There’s good controller support in the game itself, and the add-on ConsolePort makes it more like FFXIV (a model all controller MMOs should take after). The movement scheme being forced backpedal is less great for controller use, but that can be overcome with muscle memory.

    • @[email protected]
      224 days ago

      Sweet, will check it out! I’ve just started playing a bit of mop: remix so this will help with that.