• Scrubbles
      928 days ago

      Obligatory be the change you want to see. I post regularly to a few communities that don’t get many posts trying to keep them alive

      • Marighost
        227 days ago

        Oh shit is there an abandoned one? I thought about it because I do miss SYAC. But if I do it, it’ll mean I have to start clicking on clickbait headlines…

      • AliceOP
        227 days ago

        Yay ! We linked with your instance today and I finally seeing ur comment 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌

        I made an account there but no email not sure if gmails havin an issue or what

        • Scrubbles
          123 days ago

          Sorry for the late reply! I didn’t know about the email issues, but took the time to resolve them. Everything should now be operational!

    • AliceOP
      228 days ago

      Have you thought about taking over ? What’s the community about

      • Chozo
        628 days ago

        SavedYouAClick is a subreddit where users post news articles that have clickbait headlines, but will edit the title to include what the clickbait actually is, to “save you a click” by getting the gist of the headline without needing to read the article. Usually reserved for articles that either have an egregiously misleading headline, or are multi-page articles designed to maximize ad impressions on the reader. So post titles may be something like “New law may impact Chicago drivers soon | No new law, ‘left on red’ is still illegal”.

            • AliceOP
              28 days ago

              That’s an excellent question honestly you should post it. Shit I’m gunna post it I’ll try to tag you on it idk if it’s the lemmy apo I’m using but jerboah doesn’t open up profiles when I tag ppl

              Anyway that process I do not know.


              As an instance admin having created a fuck ton of communities I think it would go like this

              • First you need to reach out to the current community mod.

              Once contacted and if they agree to hand the community over to you you’ll need to make sure you’ve posted in that community before or go ahead and make a test post once the mod agrees to give you the community.

              REASON: lemmy functions are very limited. There’s no options to just add anyone as a mod.

              In order to add a Mod, that user needs to post in that community bc that’s the only way to add them.

              Basically, the posts have mod options on them. Idk why it’s dumb honestly.

              But if you don’t have a post in their community they literally can’t and have zero way to add you. So do that.

              • After that, you’re a mod now. You’ll have mod tools (use the voyager lemmy app, it has most if not all tools and self explanatory.)

              Then you just go ahead and click their username and select ‘Remove as a mod’

              -Want to add a mod ?

              Make sure a user has done step one, click on the three dots on a user’s post in that community (mod options setting you get what I mean you’ll see it) then there will be an option ‘Apoint as a moderator’

              Now if you want to move a community from one instance to ANOTHER INSTANCE will be more of a pain.

              Because why tf would .ml be like “yea ok let me just help give you my community with all our users/activity/pists/engagement etc so i don’t have a fuckin community anymore.”

              like yea ok they’re not gunna do that lol