Can you recommend any PCVR games that can be played lying down? Preferably something slower that runs on Linux.

So far I’ve tried:

  • Overload: Works, but I get motion sickness.
  • Hellblade: Works but for some reason it’s too boring for me at the moment, dunno why.
  • Arkham VR: A PITA to get working with shitty controls and it’s almost impossible to play lying on your back.
  • Star Wars Squadrons: Works well, will keep playing.
  • The 7th Guest VR: Doesn’t work on Linux.
  • Alien Isolation: Doesn’t work on Linux.

I’m currently installing Alyx but that will probably be too much for my little Deck and on top of that demand too much interactivity.

I really wish The 7th Guest worked. That could have been exactly the kind of calm experience I wanted to play.

  • DarkThoughts
    728 days ago

    Elite Dangerous. Technically any seating experience VR should work somewhat well.

    Alien Isolation: Doesn’t work on Linux.

    It has a platinum rating on ProtonDB and is Steam Deck verified. I can’t imagine the Deck itself being powerful enough for VR though?

    • Björn TantauOP
      228 days ago

      Ooh, yes, forgot about Elite! Thanks!

      Alien Isolation itself runs fantastic on Linux. It’s Linux native and also runs great on Proton. But the VR version comes from a mod called MotherVR. Trouble is that this mod works by overwriting a DirectX dll. The same dll that Proton needs to overwrite so that Direct3D calls are translated to Vulcan for Linux. And the mod owner vanished about 4 years ago or so, shortly after they announced they wanted to open source the mod. So unless someone wants to replicate their whole work we can’t figure out how to make it work in Proton or natively on Linux.

        • Björn TantauOP
          127 days ago

          The problem isn’t loading the dll. It’s loading just fine. The problem is that DXVK needs to overwrite the same dll. So it doesn’t work.