• @[email protected]
    -44 months ago

    Yes. Education works much better than mockery. Mocking people is for people who need to stroke their own egos. I’m confident in what I believe.

        • @[email protected]
          04 months ago

          No, you’re genuinely a doofus.

          It’s an idiotic position. I don’t need to waste time trying to educate you. You’re convinced you’re correct.

          All I can really do is call you a doofus.

          (which you are)

          My hope is that you will eventually learn that “FaCTs aND LoGiC” is not always sufficient to persuade someone who has their head up their ass.

          • @[email protected]
            14 months ago

            I think you just never made the effort to learn how to present arguments.

            You’re saying “not my job” but I’m hearing “not in my skill set”.

          • @[email protected]
            14 months ago

            If being a doofus is having respect for people whose beliefs don’t match my own, then I’m happy to be one. I wish more people were doofuses. Maybe we could actually solve a few problems.

            • @[email protected]
              4 months ago

              Except you don’t have respect. You came in here throwing around accusations of religious dogma.

              Like, damn dude, I just eat more vegetables than you.

              You’re intolerant of us because we have a different moral framework than you. You piss and moan at the mere mention of anything vegetarian.

              Meanwhile I interact with meat eaters, every single fucking day, and I manage not to be a complete ass. You can’t seem to manage it even once.

              • @[email protected]
                14 months ago

                You don’t even know my diet. Lol. You’re assuming what I eat just because I don’t agree with your methods.

                I never used the word dogma. I just agreed with another commenter that veganism is a religion. I don’t happen to see a problem with religion, so don’t see that as an insult. I’m just labeling it what it is. Veganism is a religion. Eating vegan isn’t necessarily.

                But you are right in an oblique kind of way. I have respect for other people’s beliefs. Not necessarily their behavior. And yours and OP’s is ineffective at actually trying to convince anyone of anything. If I were you, and really believed what I claimed to believe, I’d want to know that.