Stocks, Investing, Gambling, Bitcoin .etc

Look, I’m not a fucking broker or a hustler, okay? I don’t care that you keep running around telling me or others to go waste our time and money to put into markets that can be incredibly unpredictable. It is all about luck, chance and risk. Things most wouldn’t want to put themselves on the line over even if they were down next to nothing. They’d rather buy lottery tickets.

  • @[email protected]
    11 month ago

    Nobody told me that – I even specifically addressed it in the comment that you are responding to:

    In fact, not retaining cookies – a better approach, since I don’t have to worry about whether the website is actually doing what it’s saying – exacerbates the cookie popups, because it ensures that a site cannot track you to remember whether it has already shown the cookie popup, so makes it do so all the time.

    • @[email protected]
      1 month ago

      My bad I misunderstood what you meant

      Still this is what DNT is for but no one honours that, and it’s not the EU’s fault