• @[email protected]
    05 months ago

    There it is again! Claiming anyone who doesn’t vote for Biden “isn’t voting!”

    Y’all claim to be saving the country from fascists but y’all already can’t keep yourselves from checking every goddamn box.

    Othering of and misinformation about your political enemies, plus identification of enemies as a unifying cause (not Republicans of course, just leftists - y’all love the Republicans. Never a bad word about them except as a vague bogeyman to attack leftists with) - check

    Insistence that ONLY YOU can save the country - check

    Support of power consolidation by the executive branch - check

    Control of mass media - check

    Obsession with crime and punishment (y’all can’t shut the fuck up about how its gonna be “our fault” and we deserve what we get) - check

    Corporate power protected (the reason leftists are your real enemy) - check

    I could go on. You never have a bad word about Republicans because your platform is the same (fascism included) except you’re gracious enough to not murder gays.

    I said it before, I’ll say it again, all of you will dodge it again- if leftists are strong enough to tank an election for you maybe you should cater to those voters instead of pissing on them for 4 years, sprinting further right, then doing a shocked pikachu when you don’t get their vote.

    You obsess with calling leftists “accelerationists” but just like MAGA every accusation is a confession. Your party survives solely on having a Saturday morning cartoon villain to be the “good guys” against. You’d never fix anything, because a fixed system takes away the “all or nothing” narrative that glues the party together. Dems had the trifecta for plenty of time to codify plenty of shit, but if those basic rights weren’t constantly up in the air, what is your platform? All you’d have left is “all the shit Republicans want but 10% less crazy.”

    TLDR fuck off faschie.