• 🇰 🌀 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️
    4 months ago

    My hometown has an AM/PM and an Arby’s now.

    The high school I went to was open campus when I was there; it’s now closed campus and has 12 foot high fences with barbed wire surrounding the entire campus. Place looks like a god damn prison now.

    They removed the large parking lot in the center of the main street downtown area to make a concrete walkway/park thing that they close off for private events every chance the city council gets (and now there is nowhere to park where all the stores and services are).

    Town no longer has its own police force; every single officer except for the one who reported everything was fired for corruption and the station shut down. Now my friends and I who are still around all make fun of the DARE officer we had in school even more.

    Absolutely nobody knew about this town until a few years ago when a cop was killed (before the station shutdown) during a traffic stop and Trump, as president still, was using it to rile people up against illegal immigrants. Place was a media circus for a week.

    Other than that, it’s basically still the same.