I was thinking about how I missed having an indoor thermometer that measures humidity. It’s such a small specific thing, one I’d never think of getting unless pushed to it (which I was by one particularly dry winter). But I like having one now.

What are your small, “random” or “junk drawer” type of gadgets that you actually use or like having around?

  • 🇰 🔵 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️
    2 months ago

    1/4 lb of ground lean turkey

    1/2 cup mixed veggies

    1/2 cup brown rice

    1 tablespoon of high quality finishing olive oil

    It’s basically a shepherds pie with no potatoes, seasoning or gravy (though you could make a gravy for it if you wanted to take the time).