• KillingTimeItself
    -435 months ago

    because it makes them feel good, and apparently that grants them immunity somehow.

    For the record, i’m not voting, fuck this shit. Yall can fuck around and find out, i’ll just be finding out.

    • @[email protected]
      175 months ago

      What childish nonsense. Your answer to this issue is sit it out and go “HAHA, I didn’t vote for him!” and then sit here and complain that things are not getting better for you. The democratic process will not fix itself if you don’t vote.

      • KillingTimeItself
        5 months ago

        and then sit here and complain that things are not getting better for you.

        where did you pull this out of your ass from? I literally did not for one fucking second gloat about how my life sucks?

        Actually what the fuck are you smoking

        The democratic process will not fix itself if you don’t vote.

        yeah, i know, i kind of sort of explicitly recognized that in the very last sentence of my post.

    • @[email protected]
      5 months ago

      I’ve manned voting booths in my home country and whilst lots of blank votes are a message, people simply not coming to vote is no message at all since those who feel disenfranchised and do not go vote look exactly the same from the other side as those who are lazy and do not go vote.

      A blank says that a politically aware person who cares did not find any of the choices available appealing (implying that the vote is there for the taking if the right person is on the ballot), whilst not voting just says “Did not appear, probably can’t be arsed to go vote”.

      If you’re really pissed off at the system, go there and cast a blank vote, which is the clearest “none of the above” message you can put on a vote. (Writting “none of the above” on the ballot if it’s a paper one won’t really pass that message because that just makes it an invalid vote, so maybe the one person counting votes that sees it gets it but all that the information that gets passed further is +1 invalid vote).

      • KillingTimeItself
        5 months ago

        I’ve manned voting booths in my home country and whilst lots of blank votes are a message

        are blank votes even a reported figure? To my knowledge they aren’t significantly reported, otherwise i feel like we would hear a lot more about than we currently don’t. I would understand it if it was a reported figure that people talked about, but it sure doesn’t seem like it. Although given the current environment, people would probably try and claim that blank votes are actually election interference or some shit.

        frankly, this is one of the elections of a democratic institution of all time, judging by how utterly shit this has the potential to play out, i honestly just don’t think i have the capability to give a shit.

        • @[email protected]
          15 months ago

          The Mainstream Press doesn’t emphasise them if they’re not significant, probably because as “nobody in this balot represents me” they represent a criticism of the very system were that Press is Mainstream and it’s way harder for mainstream politicians and the politically-affiliated Press to dismiss such votes as merelly “not engaged in politics”.

          Blank vote counts are however formally reported and available, so at the very least you can expect that politicians whose win/lose can be decided by a few percent more or less votes would pay attention to it and be interest in swaying at least some of those pople casting blank votes since they are clearly engaged enough to vote, though voting “none of the above”.

          Around here in my experience they were a fraction of total votes (maybe 1%), but then again I’m in a country were there are around 10 parties with Parliamentary representation, even though the voting system is still a mathematically rigged electoral circles one (though nowhere as bad as the US) so people are far more likelly to find a party that appeals to them and is actually electable.

          • KillingTimeItself
            05 months ago

            i suppose in the sense of candidacy, it would make sense that it would effect them directly. I’d still appreciate it if it was publicly reported though, as it’s an interesting statistical figure.

      • KillingTimeItself
        -55 months ago

        sure, feel free. I literally won’t have done anything at all.

        But feel free. And just for the record, if shit does get fucked to a point where it substantially effects me i’m principled enough to take the out when i’m given it.

          • KillingTimeItself
            -45 months ago

            Glad you could publicly admit you don’t give a rats ass about the rights of others when you can whine about a single-issue that makes you look cool.

            yeah because that’s literally up to everybody else voting? You don’t like it you can vote lmao.

            Frankly i’m concerned about empowering other people to utilize their own rights to empower themselves to be the person that they should be, rather than yelling at the government about the fact that “we don’t have rights” although a very real problem. Not really my space of concern at the moment. I’d rather literally defend someone, over figuratively defending them.

              • KillingTimeItself
                -45 months ago

                Frankly, if you don’t vote- it doesn’t matter what you’re concerned about.

                yeah, which would probably be why i’m less concerned about policy and voting, and more concerned about individuals.

                But your lot likes easy, don’t they.

                i don’t like easy, i like funny. And this is probably the funniest thing i can think of doing right now on a global scale. Like you said, it’s my loss.

    • @[email protected]
      25 months ago

      Just announcing your privilege from the hilltops to demand us lowlies who’ll be the ones actually facing the consequences bend the knee to your interests harder.

      • KillingTimeItself
        15 months ago

        your privilege

        my privlege? I mean yeah literally it is my privelege, it’s quite literally a right that i have. Being a citizen of the united states.

        What makes you think i want to be a part of society, engaging with the system? The system fucking hates me. Why should i do anything for it?