• @[email protected]
    52 months ago

    Shadow of War/Modor were fucking amazing.

    If they made a new one and the only change was a slightly different story, better graphics, and zero innovation it could very well get GOTY.

    Those games were insanely good and WB just sat on the patents and stopped using the Nemesis system

    • @[email protected]
      12 months ago

      I loved the first one but the 2nd one just couldn’t keep me engaged. I played it for like a week then put it down and never felt the urge to pick it back up again.

      The combat in those games is very addictive, it’s just so smooth and enjoyable. So like you said I also don’t think they would need to change much as the gameplay is already top tier.

    • Pistcow
      12 months ago

      Shoot…I forgot I own that game. Ha, Steam Sale glut library wins again.