Any practical advice is welcome.

Edit: After some research, the path seems to be basically this:

  1. Get state residents to contact their delegates asking them to draft and/or support a constitutional amendment that gives citizens power to submit ballot initiatives (that’s what we do not currently have in our state constitution).
  2. The legislature has to pass it by 2/3 in order for it to appear on the ballot (governor does not need to sign it for it to appear on the ballot)
  3. A simple majority of voters (> 50%) would have to vote “yes” on the proposed amendment on election day.

Sounds easy enough, but the last 4 ballot initiatives (all legislatively sponsored) were basically power grabs (thankfully none of them passed). Still, going to see if I can maybe get the ball rolling and channel my jealousy of other states into something productive.

  • @[email protected]
    352 months ago
    1. Riot.

    2. Protest.

    3. Write angry letters to local representatives, who generally can’t lose more than a handful of votes to keep their seats.

    4. Live your life knowing that political movements in the US build momentum that will eventually effect your state regardless of whether it can muster up a citizen’s ballot measure at the moment or not.

    5. Move.

    • Admiral PatrickOP
      2 months ago

      1 & 2 are pretty much non-starter. This state went over 60% for Trump. Not sure what fraction of that was just the magic R or what but with that much support, I really don’t want them to form an angry mob lol.

      3: Eh, not really practical here but wish it was. My county elected a democrat to state legislature, but he almost immediately switched parties to republican after getting elected. City/county is a little more competitive, but they can only do so much.

      1. Currently in progress lol.

      2. Saving that as a last resort, but I’m stuck here for the foreseeable future.

      • @[email protected]
        152 months ago

        1 & 2 are pretty much non-starter. This state went over 60% for Trump. Not sure what fraction of that was just the magic R or what. With that much support, I really don’t want them to be part of an angry mob lol.

        You just have to become a deep-cover liberal in their gruesome right-wing subculture!

        “The WOKE GLOBAL ELITE don’t want you to have BALLOT INITIATIVES”

        • Admiral PatrickOP
          2 months ago

          LOL. I’ve actually thought about trying to reverse-psychology them. Maybe I can crowd-source some money for some billboards or something.

          • @djsoren19
            32 months ago

            I promise you, if there is one thing you can say about Trump voters, it is that they are very easily fooled. If you can stomach using the right buzzwords, you can get them to support literally anything. Hell, they’re currently supporting adult men wearing diapers.