• @[email protected]
    25 months ago

    I was actually joking about people throwing their vote away on RFK. Because with FPTP our choices are assisting with genocide or committing genocide and the murder of political rivals.

    I’m not defending anyone. I think what’s happening is fucking reprehensible. The alternative happens to be way fucking worse. And until we can get ranked choice, STAR, or some other voting method that better reflects the will of the people that’s how it’s going to be. All the name calling and progressive purity tests in the world won’t change that.

    • Semi-Hemi-Lemmygod
      35 months ago

      Our voting method is just one of the many myriad problems with how we elect government officials. Even if that was fixed we’d still be ruled by low-population states, and the president can be elected with 20% of the vote.