Description: A giant snake lady sits in a lake. A man stands next to the edge of the lake and asks, “O snake of the lake, what is your wisdom?”

The snake replies, "Osamu Tezuka, the inventory of manga and anime, created old-school furry icons like Kimba and Bagi and had a secret collection of erotic furry art that he made which was only found after his death; so weebs are really just a human-focused offshoot of furries.

  • @[email protected]
    2 months ago

    People call him the Walt Disney of Anime, but Walt wasn’t a fraction of the person Tezuka was. He influenced the trend of gender bending in manga and anime with a binary breaking character in Princess Knight. He made Kimba the White Lion which was heavily influential on The Lion King(Kimba, seriously Disney?). He’s influenced Buddhism through an epic series on the founder’s life. He made Message to Adolf, a complex look at WWII and bigotry, while Disney was a Nazi bigot.

    He even has the better mouse 😁

    • g0d0fm15ch13f
      242 months ago

      It’s worth noting that Kimba’s influence on The Lion King was marginal at best as outside of character species (which are limited to African species in both mediums) there are hardly any similarities.

      • @[email protected]
        72 months ago

        Fair. They didn’t rip him off; they paid homage to his work here and there. That inclusion was more about the cross-pollination of artistic techniques and style that happens naturally. I probably should have tied it more to how The Lion King inspired some people to become furries.

        • g0d0fm15ch13f
          72 months ago

          All good, I just see that myth propagated everywhere. And idk about y’all, but mlp is probably the biggest furry factor that I know of lol.

    • anar
      42 months ago

      Oh man do I have a YMS video for you