It’s easy not to trust a system associated with charging you $500 for Tylenol. Much easier (and occasionally even safer) to just smell some lavender and hope that helps. Go to an ED and you could just die of a stroke or heart attack in the waiting room or even get run over by somebody who died of a heart attack while driving and just plowed through the waiting room because they couldn’t afford an ambulance. And the Healthcare system is largely failing because of insurance companies. Burn inhumana and united quacks to the ground 2k24.

Edit: also housing. Fix the housing crisis and the Healthcare system could probably pull through despite the odds. There’s a huge number of homeless people that just live in hospitals, especially psych wards and I’m not even kidding.

  • @[email protected]
    93 months ago

    Just wait for what’s coming. The ACA set us up for monetization of healthcare on steroids, and it’s just about to hit critical mass. I think anyone engaged with the healthcare system today can see the enshitification accelerating.

    For just a sampling of what’s to come, there is a projected shortage of up to 86,000 physicians by 2036. It seems like doctors aren’t interested in joining the rest of us in working for slave wages to benefit Wall Street.

    • Uranium3006
      133 months ago

      lack of residency spots by design and high student loans make becomming a primary care doctor a losing proposition. specialize to survive

      • HobbitFoot
        103 months ago

        Yep. If you look into how the USA produces doctors, it is over giant hazing ritual created by a person who loved cocaine.

        • @[email protected]OP
          103 months ago

          Nursing school is less intense in that sense, but it is absolutely mean girl boot camp I shit you not literal cliques form and I stg they’re literally adults and they do it anyway it is WILD to watch.

      • @[email protected]
        63 months ago

        Or go to work at an insurance company denying claims. It’s better money and less hassle.

        Residency is almost just a hazing ritual for gatekeeping . I honestly don’t think it makes doctors better. However, residency is not new, but the building doctor shortage is. My primary care physician of 20 years just retired early because the corporation that bought out his office was pushing him to take so many patients for such little compensation that it just wasn’t worth it.

        • @[email protected]
          43 months ago

          corporation that bought out his office was pushing him to take so many patients for such little compensation that it just wasn’t worth it.

          Can we all agree that letting Wall St corps enshittify every aspect of our society so they can reap extreme profits at everyone else’s expense needs to end?