• @[email protected]
    13 months ago

    If trump getting elected isn’t going to teach them anything. It’s just going to let fascists break the system further, and reduce the chance that things can get better in the future.

    If you want to send a message you have to riot.

    • @[email protected]
      3 months ago

      Everyone has to riot, and right now too many middle class liberal types are accepting of “half-way fascism” because it’s not effecting them.

      They’re fine with the center left getting shoved to the side as “extreme”, they’re fine with minorities losing their rights as long as it’s not them, they’re fine with not looking too closely at how Dems have been culpable in the broken system we live in, looking too closely at the fact that Dems want things to stay exactly how they are and are ill-equipped and unwilling to fight the far-right.

      The only way they get knocked out of that stupor is by being faced with the cold reality themselves.