• @[email protected]
    3 months ago

    Ok, and? What’s your plan to get people that are barely removed from actually being children to vote more? It’s easy to come up with a reason why each segment of non-voters is making a dumb and self-destructive choice by not doing their patriotic duty to elect the better leader, but like, we still need them to vote. Elections are won on turning out unreliable voters.

    • @[email protected]M
      53 months ago

      The only real plan, unfortunately, is experience. They failed to learn the lesson from 4 years of Trump, if the country survives another 4 years maybe they’ll think better next time.

      “Oh, shit, I totally should have voted!”

      Yeah, ya think?

      The best things we can do now are too late for '24:

      1. Push for universal vote by mail in ALL states. It eliminates the barriers to voting and increases participation.

      2. Get ranked choice balloting in ALL states. Alaska is embarrassing the rest of us.

      Just getting those two things would go a long way to permanently remove Republicans from power… which is why they won’t do them voluntarily.