• mozz
    33 months ago

    We don’t. The news, however, does. Their mission is to get clicks, and shit like this gets clicks.

    (I mean I didn’t click on it, but in general I think it’s far far more effective than updating people with what’s going on with the Houthis or another story about how Trump is a crook or something like that.)

      • mozz
        3 months ago

        I don’t think it’s reasonable to discount what people (especially working people or Palestinian people) think, no. And the Democrats have a long, long track record of doing that, fair play. As a great example, Hillary Clinton’s “if you’re not in a swing state or you’re not one of my delegates then fuck you” attitude definitely didn’t do her any favors.

        I do think however that it’s perfectly reasonable not to care what one particular person thinks, who clearly has been victimized by a certain level of corporate misinformation in the media. That whole situation is clearly worth talking about as a problem, but not as a “Biden needs to do a better job of agreeing with what this person thinks” problem. In my opinion.

        • @[email protected]
          13 months ago

          I don’t think it’s reasonable to discount what people (especially working people or Palestinian people) think, no. And the Democrats have a long, long track record of doing that, fair play.

          And yet, the party is still doing it. Your comment is consistent with the party’s “fuck you, we’re never changing and you’re going to vote for us” message.

          • mozz
            13 months ago

            Why are you arguing with me dude, on this I’m agreeing with you

            • @[email protected]
              13 months ago

              Why are you arguing with me dude, on this I’m agreeing with you

              You agree that your comment is consistent with Democrats’ “Fuck you” messaging? Ok.

              • mozz
                03 months ago

                I think you’re just wired for conflict maybe 🙂

                • Establishment Democrats: Fuck you
                • You: They shouldn’t say that
                • Me: They shouldn’t say that
                • You: You agree that your comment is consistent with Democrats’ “Fuck you” messaging

                I feel I’ve said pretty much what I need to say about it at this point

                • @[email protected]
                  3 months ago

                  You know which comment I was referring to, and have chosen to misrepresent what I’ve said. Expecting honesty from you was a mistake that I’ll never make again.

                  • mozz
                    13 months ago

                    So here’s what I meant by that: I’m actually specifically agreeing with what you say about the Democrats being tone deaf and dismissive of legitimate concerns. I think it causes harm to the Democrats (in elections) and harm to the country (because it leads them to pursue a harmful neoliberal agenda and not listen to criticism of it a lot of the time.) What you’re saying, I’m agreeing with.

                    I’m also saying that this particular thing is not a fully legitimate concern. I’ve talked at length about my factual reasons why a big chunk of the article’s laundry list of complaints about the country – which the list is 100% legitimate, yes – shouldn’t be applied to Biden, because he (rather unusually for a Democrat) has been taking concrete steps to try to address them. And, that not voting for him will definitely make a whole lot of them (probably the entire list) much, much worse.

                    You can disagree with all that, and that’s all good. We can talk if you like. But IDK man… if you’ve ever been on the receiving end of this kind of “how dare you not even apologize for X, I’m so upset” “but I didn’t actually do X” “there you go again, how dare you” circular argument I think you can understand the difference between those two things – no?