• @[email protected]
    16 months ago

    Sure you can. What you’re doing is removing federal protections of individuals so that states can fasciststially abuse them without consequence.

    Wanna explain why Louisiana is planning to criminalize librarians and how that isnt fascism at all?

        • @[email protected]
          16 months ago

          I read through the 14 tenets and kept thinking it was stupid, vague, biased, and perfect for applying to whatever you don’t like. Not only that but it could be easily applied to any authoritarian regime, Communist, fascist, or whatever. And then I looked into it a little more and it turns out that he isn’t a doctor at all, just some magazine contributor for a leftist magazine. I assume you looked it up just now, but you may want to look into it a little more carefully before you base too much on that. There is actually a lot of discussion and criticism around the validity of those points.

          • @[email protected]
            16 months ago

            Oh gee I wonder by whom?

            There are others with similar tenet lists as well. They absolutely apply to all the anti-American, freedom-despising MAGAt fascist shitheads and their psychotically deranged egomaniacal leader. Is that your crowd?

            • @[email protected]
              16 months ago

              There is a lot of space between calling out inconsistencies, agendas, and extremists on the left, and being a right wing extremist. If you think being able to criticize obviously agenda-driven lists, or to see nuance or weaknesses in them is some kind of litmus test for extremism, then perhaps it is YOU that is the extremist.

              • @[email protected]
                16 months ago

                They do not exist in that space. Meanwhile conservatism has solved zero problems and has no intention to. They cannot be trusted with or allowed to govern.

                • @[email protected]
                  16 months ago

                  I’m saying that I exist in that space between.

                  The role and benefit of conservatives in any society is to resist reactive or bad change, to resist the creation of new problems, which is the mistake that progressives are prone to making. You need both. I agree that conservatives cannot be trusted to govern alone since it will result in stagnation in the long term, but also neither can progressives be trusted to govern alone. In reality you can’t actually get rid of either, because society will simply shift until you have both again.

                  • @[email protected]
                    16 months ago

                    There are no progressives in US government and there haven’t been any progressives in US government for at least 50 years if not more. Nobody is existing in the space in between because there is no in between. This is been a Non-Stop rightward- lurching regime for nearly the entirety of my life.