• @[email protected]
    146 months ago

    She’s a hero, she’s the reason why everyone is talking about climate change - even my kids are trying to make better choices and saying they’ve learned about it because of her, they’ve never heard of you.

    • Neuromancer
      -466 months ago

      Yeah people here make fun of her.

      So what changes did your kids make because of her? I’m curious because most her rants are just we are killing people. What actionable item came from her rants ?

      • @[email protected]
        196 months ago

        They are vegan, they get involved at their school on environmental improvements, they make sure they don’t waste etc. and they make sure to highlight the plight of the future to others.

        I honestly don’t know how you can look at Greta Thunberg and underestimate the impact she’s had on public discourse on climate change.

        In before trolls have a go at them for being vegan, this very respected recent meta analysis published in science clearly finds that going vegan is the number one thing you can do to help most climate change factors https://josephpoore.com/Science 360 6392 987 - Accepted Manuscript.pdf

        • Neuromancer
          -116 months ago

          Personally I’ll never go vegan. To each his own.

          I have seen zero impact due to her work. Zero.

          All I see if both sides making fun of her rants.

          She is the reason my kid stopped participating in climate events. She didn’t want to be associated with her.

          • @[email protected]
            36 months ago

            You have never seen any impact because you’re trying to mash your hands over your ears and close your eyes. I literally just told you the an impact she’s had on my family and you still don’t recognise an impact.

            Of course, I’m sure anecdotes mean nothing to you, so look further at the awards, media attention, speeches, international demonstrations that started with her. Zero impact? Jesus, we are having this conversation because of her.

            Honestly, if you can’t imagine that this particular household name, face of Time magazine and organiser of global protests has had any impact at all, you probably also believe that the moon landing was faked, the election was stolen, the earth is flat, and there’s no helping your unhealthy relationship with bad takes.

            • Neuromancer
              -116 months ago

              Jesus, we are having this conversation because of her.

              Yes, how damaging she is to the cause. Due to her it’s been hard to get any politician to listen because of her nutty behavior.

              While it seems to have swayed you, she has t swayed American discussion on the topic.

              • @[email protected]
                36 months ago

                Unfortunately, that says more about American discussion - America has moved beyond left Vs right to reality Vs “alternative facts”. For example, climate change denialism, large vaccines cause autism, the election fraud nonsense. Unfortunately, given that opportunistic morons like America’s republican party have politicised and denied climate change, I’m sure they’ll be a segment of the population that will blame anything, including Greta.

                So yes, I do agree with you that the large anti science wing of America wouldn’t warm to her, but they never would have.

                • Neuromancer
                  -56 months ago

                  So yes, I do agree with you that the large anti science wing of America wouldn’t warm to her, but they never would have

                  I never said such a thing. Nice straw man.

                  • @[email protected]
                    26 months ago

                    You’re right, I apologise I didn’t represent your view fairly, we don’t fully agree, though I maintain we agree that America hasn’t fully embraced Greta.

                    I disagree that it’s that no American politicians warm to her and her loud behaviour (which is what put her in the spotlight). Biden for example said to Trump: "What kind of president bullies a teenager? @realDonaldTrump, you could learn a few things from Greta on what it means to be a leader,”. Doesn’t sound like he’s too dismissive of Greta’s behaviour, does it?

                    In fact, it’s generally down the left/right, truth/fiction party line, since Greta conveniently represents climate change/truth.

      • @[email protected]
        96 months ago

        People here are making fun of you, but you’re not letting that stop you, so you have that in common.