• @[email protected]
    23 months ago

    Ok I guess it’s hard to focus because you are agitated by this thread, totally understandable.

    You make a point about generalising “all people” (which was totally valid btw).

    Other commentators point out that cops and landlords aren’t “all people” (as in, there are people that exist that are neither cops or landlords), and they’re “only” generalising these sub-groups (again, not saying I agree with that either).

    Miscomprehension ensues.

    • @[email protected]
      13 months ago

      My point was that not ALL cops or ALL landlords are bad people. Yes, there are many. And yes- this needs to be addressed, but specifically, OP said ALL cops and ALL landlords are bastards

      This is a blanket statement. The goalposts were moved to indicate they meant “people” but they specificity addressed the two careers in their statement.

      Apologies for jumping the gun on ya. That’s on me.

      • @[email protected]
        23 months ago

        No worries! I’m just proud we turned it around. The goalposts were indeed moved on a technicality here. There are certainly a ton of people around here that refuse any nuance on these two groups, I totally got your point and think it’s a fair one, I also don’t like blanket statements.

        • @[email protected]
          3 months ago

          Thanks for going easy on me. And I appreciate your input here. Thanks a lot. You’re a rare breed here.