SUSE is committed to working with the open source community to develop a long-term, enduring compatible alternative for RHEL and CentOS users. SUSE plans to contribute this project to an open source foundation, which will provide ongoing free access to alternative source code.

  • deong
    21 year ago

    This is just standard boilerplate language, and whether a particular product or company includes it or not is entirely a function of that company’s legal department and has no bearing at all on the future behavior of the company.

    That is to say, everything in here is true of everything, whether they tell you that or not, and literally zero information is gained from seeing it explicitly stated. If they’d completely left it out, it would still be true.

      • andyburke
        41 year ago

        It has to do with companies that are publicly traded, at least in the US. You need to be careful about statements about the future that could impact the stock price.

        The idea is that you must tell people that you can’t guarantee the results.