Of course, the news is going to run with this as if it’s true, despite this “laced marijuana” apparently reaching no one but this guy and/or only causing him specifically with violent psychosis.

I guess the drug warriors have found their new way to demonize cannabis.

  • Flying SquidOP
    16 months ago

    I’m not a mental health professional. I’m just talking about people being arrested for violent behavior or even mass murder like in this case and placing the blame on going psychotic from cannabis.

    • @[email protected]
      06 months ago

      I’m not the one placing the blame, except in jest. But I’m probably not the best one to discuss the real issues with, because the terms you’re using have very specific meanings – and you very clearly mean something specific by your use of them – but I don’t understand because they don’t actually mean in clinical use what you think they mean. So we’re on different pages to start, and that doesn’t usually end well.

      But I’ll explain my own position on it, if that helps.

      Reefer Madness was like, what, 1934? For myself I’m not going to reach back into that fantasist’s argument, or any other like it, to try to prove, disprove, or illustrate anything regarding marijuana or its consumption, which all started because of a fucking stamp tax on hemp farmers to satisfy the cotton farmers anyway.

      It is a fact that cannabis is credibly associated with the causation, provocation, and/or worsening of mental disorders, which you have now seen for yourself, and honestly I thought everyone already knew (my bad). But it is ALSO a fact that these are quite rare, and cannabis is absolutely safe in many (most? almost all?) use cases. If it were not, we’d damn well know it by now: when I was young, weed was far weaker and smoother than today, and used by fewer individuals. Today, you could probably knock out my entire graduating high school class with the shit you’re rolling in a day or a week, yet the cases of cannabis-induced psychosis remain quite rare. To me, that says a great deal about how safe the base product really is, even in its currently enhanced form. And you’ve got edibles! We just had brownies, lol.

      As far as it goes I’ve had my share, and stopped in 1996. I haven’t had a toke since, mainly because it never did much for me and I’m not around people who do it much. (If I were at a party and someone passed it, I would neither Clinton nor Bogart, lol.) But just because I don’t use doesn’t mean I disapprove: far from it! I think it should ALL be legalized (or at least decriminalized) so that the disorders that do arise from recreational and/or medicinal psychoactive drugs can be better studied and prevented, and not just cannabis. The psychedelics and entheogens have dramatically changed people’s lives for the better (I’m one of them) but we can’t fucking study HPPD, or even MDMA in PTSD, without reams of paper spent in uselessly strict government approval processes.

      This asshole in Illinois says he got tainted weed. He also just fucking stabbed/killed multiple people, which – speaking solely for myself – does not rocket his personal credibility into believable levels, lol. So for the record, don’t think I am taking his assertions as ANY kind of proof or even evidence. Rather, I agree with your opening statement above, where you assert that unfortunately the anti-pot brigade will simply use this to fuel the anti-pot crusade.

      For me, though, this is total joke fodder, coming from the generation where television regularly had people jumping off balconies because their sunshine was a bit too orange, lol. Think a lot of shaky/blurry cam shots and Robbie Benson afternoon school specials. I’m sorry, but that shit is absolutely hilarious to me, and I don’t think that will ever change.

      I think we’re good here . . . yes?