• Roflmasterbigpimp
    33 months ago

    I’m frameing nothing. What I said is Posts like this are the exact type I see and hear from People LIKE AFD-Voters aka (far) right-wingers. Which again is an answer of your question what I thought is right winged here.

      • Roflmasterbigpimp
        33 months ago

        You know what? I guess you are either trolling or just trapped in a Bubble where I can’t help you out of. I reported you and your post (The One With The Weather Maps, don’t get confused again 😉) for spreading misinformation. And I can only advise everyone else to do the same thing.

        I’m just going to Block you now. I hope you find your way out.

        • CenturionOP
          3 months ago

          Reporting me: like typical brave german fascist in 1939. Freedom of speech is painful for close minded and brainwashed. I know. Again you proved it.

          Oh block me. So I don’t have to see your Troll comments.

          Thank you

      • Roflmasterbigpimp
        13 months ago

        Yeah Insects are allowed as Food, which I have never questioned? I just said your phrasing is populist in a way I only know from far right wingers. And your Post with the WEATHERMAPS is straight up Misinformation.

          • Roflmasterbigpimp
            33 months ago

            Read the corrective article. Use a translator. See the ratio, lots of people thinking it’s not “funny”. The only one pushing an Agenda in a fascist way seems to be you.

        • CenturionOP
          -53 months ago

          Weathermaps were showed in your TV so you should report them for spreading misinformation not someone that is laughing at it. LOL