I’m curious… and slightly horny, I admit it.
Marking this NSFW in case anyone wants to get into more detail about being top / bottom / vers or sub / dom.
I’m pretty gay / male oriented myself. I do like to post good straight yiff I find, but males turn me on much more. I’d also say I’m a switch, depending on the situation, very interested in stuff like petplay, Dom/sub situations.
Anyways 0////0 HBU? Just asking for scientific statistical purposes, of course.
(I might regret posting this hehe. Admin is being horny on main… )
Smashed my keyboard and lost my post , oops
If you’re gonna make a community named yiffit and post furry porn you’re gonna get embarassed over one horny post?? You didn’t just horny post, you made a whole horny forum! That’s like saying you’re not interested in lewd and then you start a gentlefox’s club
I’m bi or pan or whatever, idk, I just accept everyone but I am mostly attracted to people I like. However, for longer term relationships I prefer guys, other women I get the brain bug and go absolutely insane if the relationship is too serious.
I was
reallyinto rough stuff though Isometimeshave trouble being a sub because I havewaytoo much self-determination and can get annoyed when people order me around, and my suspension of disbeliefalwayssucks. Ican. Ialso like really intimate romantic stuffbut I suppose everyone doesmainlyreally liked to roleplay and I amveryexperimental since I like to fulfill my partner’s interests, and I know how to set boundaries so I don’t get forced into something Ireallyknow or find out I’m not intoor makes me uncomfortable. Doesn’t happen awholelot though, andmost ofmy interests have been gained over the years by partners I had that introduced me to this or that. Text roleplay and writing I especially have always liked, and as you can see, I type too much but I just ~~reallylove to write. I! I showed what I wouldalreadyhad to cut this post downa lotbecause I realized I wasway ~~ too descriptivethe factin some things. Lots of useless words and phrases I edit down afternormallyremove in this paragraph. But damn if I can’t write a good sex scene without being too repetitiveNowadays I feel really vanilla though.
The problem is that since I like guys everyone (<-- hyperbole) in the furry community is gay so I literally can’t find anyone to hit on!! I have a 90% chance of getting shut down right away!! I blame all of you for this