• @[email protected]
    -377 months ago

    If you think the solution to the homeless is the government, then let me point to the government letting in millions of people (in america), and almost none of them dont have homes. The government doesnt give a shit about you, they are not the solution.

    • @[email protected]
      7 months ago

      Viewing things as zero-sum is convenient. Simple, understandable, it makes us feel smart. Aware. So it makes sense why you would think in this manner.

      But anyone who is a fan of freakanomics or other academic economics focused podcasts, the types of podcasts that find where the science meets the real world would know that viewing the world this way leads to much more wrong answers than right answers. Economics is a machine of indirect consequences.

      There are not X number of limited housing slots. Houses can be built.

      Or can they? Is someone stopping the building of homes? Or are there any events that reduce the supply of homes? Is anyone purchasing a large supply of them?

      Immigrants are always used as a racist dog whistle to avoid having people ask such questions as I mention. And it worked well, on you.

      But not me. I’m not so simple.

      Let me end by congratulating you, you have found your simple answer. And I suspect you don’t focus too hard on scrutinizing your own ideas. Do you? You can feel they are true, you don’t need to examine them.

      My only critique, you seem angry, perhaps you should modify your world view and give yourself a better life. The only person stopping you from seeing things differently is yourself. Good luck.

      • @[email protected]
        -167 months ago

        I dont claim its a zero sum game, that is obviously not true. And sure you can build houses, but you can only build houses so fast, and the government makes it harder to build houses. I dont kow the number, but if we are able to build 1.5 million units per year, and we have more people coming in legally and illegally and are being born, then that will obviously have a pressure on housing availability. The issue is that people like you dont understand what goes into building housing, and jsut think “Houses can be built”. Tell that to anyone in housing and they will laugh at you.

        Immigrants are always used as a racist dog whistle to avoid having people ask such questions as I mention. And it worked well, on you.

        Oh gotcha, you are one of those NPCs that calls everyone racist.

        • @[email protected]
          7 months ago

          If you meet one asshole.
          You met an asshole.
          If everyone you meet is an asshole.
          Who is the common denominator?

          Same idea for racism.

          If you get called a racist once.
          Maybe you met an unhinged person.
          If you are constantly called a racist.

          I don’t live in a world where myself or anyone around me gets called racist, ever.

          Do you?

          Finally, I never called you a racist. I called your comment a racist dog whistle, which it is. In my view, a non-racist person can say a racist thing and remain non-racist as long as they are willing to learn from it and grow. I judge actions, not people. However if such actions continuously are sourced from an individual, what is the rational conclusion to reach in that matter besides that the person shares the beliefs that generated those ideas?

          To provide a bridging analogy, I don’t assume everyone holding a baseball bat is going to hit me with it, but if I go to a park and see a guy swinging his baseball bat at people. Is the correct conclusion to assume, “He’s not a person that hits people with baseball bats.”? You’re swinging the bat, if you want people to assume you aren’t going to hit them, stop doing that.

          • @[email protected]
            16 months ago

            Okay here it comes. I think you’re racist because the only opposition you can conceive of to immigration is race-based.

            You see racism everywhere, because race is the lens through which you view the world.

            But I’m sure this is your first one, so it’s not yet a pattern and you don’t have to address it.

    • @[email protected]
      67 months ago

      Why do people like you see immigration as bad? Taking in immigrants is exactly how this country became great in the first place. It’s emphatically un-American, and unethical to blame our problems on immigrants.

      I can only imagine you’re brainwashed by the GOP. Take it from someone who lives on the border, these people aren’t a problem. You’re being lied to.

      You can take examples of any group and easily villify the whole. For example, 82% of all serial killers are white. “Are white people RUINING our country? More at 11!”

      • @[email protected]
        47 months ago

        I have not made a comment on immigration, that is a separate question. I will directly comment on illegal immigration, its really bad and should not be done.

        And then you repeat bullshit left side talking points about how if people possible disagree with you its because they are a republican, I am not, and everyone (including democrats from 10 years ago) agree that illegal immigration is bad, you should to if you were being honest.

        The point of my comment was that its bullshit to claim the left side care about peoples housing sitiation when they are greatly increases pressure on housing by letting millions more people into the US.

    • @[email protected]
      57 months ago

      There’s more vacant homes than homeless people.

      Homelessness is a policy issue and is a symptom of how we treat homes as a commodity, for the generation of infinite profit, rather than as a human necessity.

      • @[email protected]
        27 months ago

        That is not how housing or homeless work. You cant just put homeless people in houses and expect that to do anything.

    • @[email protected]
      26 months ago

      The government is the cause of and solution to most problems in society. Better governments are possible, but it’s a hard fought struggle.

      • @[email protected]
        6 months ago

        I agree in that the government causes problems that they solve,or at least try to solve and just make a differnt problem. I guess i have never seen a government that truly solves problems, but you could be right.