• @[email protected]
    531 year ago

    I am 28 and i have always thought that the as long as you know how to operate a search engine you can find out what you need. The reason computer people know computers better than you do is because computer people can use a search engine better than you

      • @[email protected]
        71 year ago

        I use searx and DNS level adblocking. Online ads are almost a completely foreign concept for me as 99.9% of the time they just never even load.

        • queermunist she/her
          91 year ago

          I remember when Google used to be perfectly functional as long as you knew the right search tools. Now it thinks it knows what I’m searching for better than I do, and that almost always means pointing me towards something someone paid for lol

          • @[email protected]
            31 year ago

            Is advanced searching any better? I wouldn’t know now because searx but when I used it before it helped to keep the results focused.

            • queermunist she/her
              11 year ago

              It’s better, but sometimes google will decide you didn’t really mean to type the string inside the quotation marks. Advanced search tools used to be rock solid!

          • @[email protected]
            31 year ago

            Crazy to think about, but other than through searx i have not used google in about 4 years now. Like i have not loaded google.com in that amount of time

          • @[email protected]
            11 year ago

            God help you if whatever you’re searching for has key words in any way related to a big news story. Even trying to restrict the date doesn’t seem to help.

    • @[email protected]
      71 year ago

      I learned how to use computer since i was 5 years old, mostly through video games, then by playing with the Microsoft office, i’m 25 now going computer engineering, and i’m teaching my dad how to use a computer lol

    • rockerface
      71 year ago

      Exactly this. I am 27 and if there’s anything I’ve learned about the importance of different skills in tech, is that the most important one is finding the information you need. Everything else, you can look up as you need it

    • Skull giver
      31 year ago

      Most people don’t know how to operate a search engine and Google is becoming more useless every single day. If I Google a technical topic older than five years I only find blog spam, if I Google an error message two thirds of the results are .it domains redirecting to some kind of malware kit/gambling ad, and Google will replace words I put in quotes because it thinks I’m an idiot.

      Recently, I’ve started having to put quotes around two word searches because Google assumes only the first word is important and the second word can be ignored entirely.

      Bing has never been great at finding anything and duckduckgo is basically Bing and Google combined.

      I want to be able to put Google in 2005 mode where I can just use my damn boolean search operators. If I want to accept synonyms I’ll add a goddamn tilde in front of a word! I know how quotes work! I even use allinurl sometimes, although that only works after you finish a CAPTCHA because every allinurl must be a Google dork according to the magical algorithm.