I remember a while back Apple filed a patent that allows concerts to disable iPhones cameras if a certain signal is emitted from the stage. Apple never implemented this, but my pessemistic ass always try to think of worse case scenarios, like being used by government. Do you think this could occur in the future?

Source: https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-36672001

You can search “Apple Concert Disable Camera” and find more about it.

  • @[email protected]
    31 year ago

    If the tech were to be made widely available I would welcome it very much. There are plenty of spaces where people really shouldn’t be filming, mainly the gym, that would benefit from a passive and mandatory camera deactivation for all smartphones.

    On the other hand, giving this to the government or law enforcement obviously is a massive breach of civil rights and the citizen’s ability to exercise control over their public servants.