• Coelacanth
    24 months ago

    Same. I still miss it. I quit after the main FC and leader of my corp quit. The whole group kind of fell apart without his leadership. Had some damn good times, though. Peak EVE was something unlike anything else I’ve been apart of in gaming.

    Don’t know the current state of the game, though. It was kind of on a decline when I quit, in terms of how the updates were changing the game for the worse.

    • @[email protected]
      34 months ago

      Went back to it last month after a 10 years yatus.

      Game still here, with a lot of changes since.

      However, it’s still requiring a lot of time an commitment. And I realized that I don’t have either to give to a video game now.

      • Coelacanth
        14 months ago

        I did see it got a recent uptick in concurrent players, so hopefully the game is on the right track again. I’d really hate for it to die.

        You’re right though, you really have to view it as a hobby, not a video game.