• @[email protected]
    4 months ago

    She didn’t press criminal charges due to the statute of limitations for criminal rape in NY. That doesn’t mean it didn’t happen, that means she waited too long to be able to.

    If you’re going there then you need to ask why the same didn’t happen with Tara Reade, but that doesn’t matter because at least we know Trump did it, as per the Jury findings.

    A clown world is one where a man can be found liable for sexual assault after decades of bragging about it and being accused of it, and people like you remaining ok with it because “it’s not rape” but not being ok with his political opponent maybe/maybe not doing the same thing.

    You are being selective based on which one your identity is most tied up around.

    • @Forester
      4 months ago

      Have you realized you’re feeding a troll yet? You’re making logical arguments to someone who is emotionally invested. Good fucking luck.

      • @[email protected]
        64 months ago

        Haha yeah but it’s ok.

        As long as I can waste at least some of their time they would otherwise spend spreading more bs I’m happy with it.