• @[email protected]
      4 months ago

      It was basically a trojan horse to introduce misogyny in gamers discourse. Read about “gamergate”. You can also look up how it “inspired” Breitbart/Steve Bannon, and in turn, the “alt right” as a whole.

      But yeah it’s a shame that the discourse actually centered around ethics in games journalism was hijacked and basically killed by this shit. I certainly don’t enjoy seeing the Doritos pope and his marketing empire being the de facto frontman of my entire industry

    • @[email protected]
      44 months ago

      That’s how you create a narrative. You find a reasonable and well known problem, build an argument with with mostly true ideas, then blame it all on some group that isn’t your target audience. Carefully omit anything that doesn’t fit the it.

      I don’t need to blame women for that Polygon Doom play footage or that Cuphead play footage.

    • @[email protected]
      4 months ago

      I don’t see how the third one is either.

      Stopping FGM would be upholding western standard for example.

      • @[email protected]
        04 months ago

        “Western Civilization” doesn’t mean anything or rather it means whatever the listener wants it to mean. It’s a whistle word used by propagandists. Whenever someone is telling you “the other” is threatening “you way of life”, demand evidence. Sometimes it could be Nazis wanting to cart you off to detention centers, but most of the time it’s a made up caravan from Mexico.

        • @[email protected]
          -14 months ago

          Don’t worry I live in a western country where people have death threats for not upholding Muslims views.

          • @[email protected]
            04 months ago

            Welcome to the internet. Death threats are a dime a dozen.

            How many of those “threats” are credible? You’re not posting somewhere with your real name attached are you?

            • @[email protected]
              4 months ago

              I meant people showing up outside their work in a big group, people going to their house.

              The whole family had to get in hiding from the Muslims. Good old Islam.

              • @[email protected]
                04 months ago

                While I’m not fan of Islam or any religion, this isn’t a threat to “Western Civilization”. It’s a terrorist action and the authorities should be called. If you’re getting this info from some podcast, it’s most likely withhold certain details to create a sellable narrative.

                Btw, you haven’t actually stated where or when this is happening. Like, I can tell you that Hadi Matar isn’t going go go free. You’re just vague posting so the reader can imagine whatever they want.

                • @[email protected]
                  -14 months ago

                  Mate you don’t know the first thing you are on about. I’ve actually lived in Muslim areas and talked to Muslims, they definitely view the world differently.

                  We’ve had decapitation, bombs, and the pre mentioned mob mentality.




                  This is not western values, and because of this we all have to suffer. This is just the big line stuff. The UK is turning into China and all this security is for shit like this.

                  • @[email protected]
                    04 months ago

                    Living through 9/11 and the aftermath of it, it’s not Islamic Terrorism that threatens the “Western Way of Life”. That only kills people and westerners are pretty good at killing each other as it it. It’s letting propagandists use a tragedy to pass a bunch of freedom killing laws and increase hate and distrust. Same shit happened in Japan in 95 with the Sarin Gas Attack. Japanese right wingers use it as an opportunity to push a “return to traditional values”.

                    The UK had widespread CCTV before islamic terrorism started to rise. That’s all on you guys.

                    You’ve also probably talked to reasonable Muslims but didn’t realize because they there just going on with their lives.