• S410
    14 months ago

    What a lovely fucking precedent to have.

    • 520
      14 months ago

      There is no precedent. The case never made it to court.

      • S410
        14 months ago

        Oh, I guess that’s slightly better. At least this fucking idiocy didn’t make it into, essentially, law. But it also means that Nintendo (and other corpos) will not stop suing people left and right.

        At what point will they sue fucking computer manufacturers, I wonder? Clearly, the ability to run unsigned code facilitates creation of code that’s illegal (such as DRM circumvention tools and fucking Nintendo emulators), which, in turn, obviously facilitates piracy of Nintendo games! Poor Nintendo is loosing dozens of dollars because of those evil, evil computers which are clearly used for pirating their games and nothing else! This needs to stop!

        • 520
          24 months ago

          To be fair, the Yuzu team weren’t exactly running a moneyless operation, like most emulators do. That’s what’s being sued over here