Monero is striving to be a currency that everyone can use, the growth of the blockchain is starting to hamper this goal IMO.
I think we should consider dropping blocks off of the chain tail once we reach block height of 4000000. This will give us 10 years of storage capacity, more than enough IMO.
Similar to how you have to exchange bills of cash once they get worn, you would simply churn your coins to get your outputs into younger blocks.
We are trying to be digital cash not an inheritance vault. If we had this feature from the start 99% of the community would agree with it.
Please consider this.🙂
*Edit: @4KB/tx * 100,000tx/day we are looking at ~400MB chain growth daily, this is not sustainable, let’s take care of this now before it becomes a big problem
**Edit: A possible solution could be that nodes would have the option to set chain retention duration. So when syncing a new node you can select that you would like to retain 5 years of chain data, with a minimum boundary enforced that retains sufficient security. This way the network decides in a fair way how much chain data is useful to store.
@teknomunk @silverpill @monero @tusker just buy some gold or silver. Copper if your strapped for funding. Simple asbut the problem with shitcoinsare, what areyou gonna do with em¿ if u have a slush fund owning skme is okay but dont more than your willing to lose over night. Theyre especially volatile making them terrible storages of wealth and the only thing u can do with them is trade them. Gold silver copper all have multiple uses foe multiple industries no matter if someone likes it or not, but buttcoin has no intrinsic value at its core its just numbers the feds can trace. Skills and knowlege are actual vectors of wealth creation, metals and commodities are just storages of precreated wealth
@Soy_Magnus @silverpill @monero @tusker
I also have copper, silver and gold. And lead, aluminum and steel. :02_shrug:
This is the way to do it. Diversify a bit and choose specific tools for specific tasks.
@teknomunk @silverpill @monero @tusker c
@teknomunk @silverpill @monero @tusker commodities are awesome and a good hold. Ive had sone pretty nice collections i really like silver
Oh no. It’s retarded
@FictionalCrow why dont u suck another cock for a usesless shitcoin niggerlips¿