I cam here to get away from all the corporate BS, but suddenly people want to welcome Facebook/Meta to the fediverse? I cannot fathom how people see their intentions as pure or innocent, especially since they aim to profit off of the open source software everyone has worked so hard on.

I just don’t see how the fediverse survives if it decides to let these massive companies make their instances. It feels like it’ll be a repeat of the rise of social media, where all the smaller forms got wiped out by large, consolidated social media platforms.

    • C.Ezra.M
      21 year ago

      I’m pretty sure that, under the hood, they become evil towards their users and don’t change from that. And will never reconsider rescinding the things we’re grateful to not have in the fediverse: profits fueled by advertising rather than donations, tracking sensitive information (including that one can and will use against you), selling that information, and obscure, closed algorithms.

      But what you said may be right. Those goddamn C&D orders backed by powerful lawyers…