• @[email protected]
    7 months ago

    You’d lose. Just like you will when the investment into the printed worthless “paper” gets slammed like 9/11 as described in 3:71 & 3:73. Turns out it wasn’t a prediction but rather a plan to rob the working class. At least, those like you who were suckers to consider wealth to be valid when it was printed in paper of no true value but painted with the entirety of theft.

    I’m of an entirely other direction path. Your blatant narcissist being conduct on behalf of the paper printers, the billionaires, is so blatantly obvious that only you can’t see it.

    You think your stupid plans have value. Stupid not because you are but because you swallowed the bit of money wholly and have zero track now; when the theft is conducted right in front of your vision.

    That theft is being done right now. But sure, it’s not theft the way your work isn’t slavery. That because you made the choice to work for result of their being rich because you’re not lower class…



      • @[email protected]
        7 months ago

        Yeah. Delusional. Because you think your money has any real value. You’ll remember this when it’s too late and I’d be like “I told you so” but everyone dies so I won’t be here either.

        I could change that, but I won’t because no one listens and no one cares so I’m of the point to just let everyone die and move the fuck on. Why would I bother to bust my ass magically when everyone else shoves their head in a sandpile of literal garbage? I don’t even need real magick this time and yet my only disposition is to not do so when no one else does.

        Go on sucker. Idgaf about your blatant insults defending yourself. You just can’t deal with the fact that that doesn’t do that ever.

        • @[email protected]
          37 months ago

          Idgaf about your blatant insults defending yourself.

          I’ve seen nothing to defend myself against. It’s just been a bunch of incoherent rambling coupled with empty insults. Although I have to say it’s hilarious to see someone so full of themselves accuse others of being narcissistic.

          • @[email protected]
            07 months ago

            Again, insults ignoring everything. Although, I’ll give you you might just be thoroughly and blatantly stupid.

            The difference: I’m not ignoring what you say as an excuse. I don’t need to in order to feel better.

            • @[email protected]
              27 months ago

              Well, you started off calling me an idiot, so if you failed to get your point across to someone you clearly believe is your intellectual inferior, then that’s really on you for not speaking to your audience. Shows a real lack of empath and arrogance.

              Huh, sounds a lot like an narcissistic asshole.

              • @[email protected]
                07 months ago

                I have no empathy. I simulate it very well but still. I care but the truth is painful and if you can’t swallow it, then you deserve zero respect.

                There’s implied if to the idiot statement. So let meYrehash that a little more explicitly for you. IF you think money is of real value then you are an idiot. A sucker. Dumb.

                You clearly don’t understand the definition of narcissist. Go look it up and then come back to what I said that claims anything of my own, personal value. I have and do regularly assassinate my own ego. It’s only existence is for the sake of communicating with others and recognizing my physical presence. IDGAF. You might jump the same shit and get the fuck over your damn self in order to accomplish andly real education. Unless you’ve sailed past the notion and refuse to subject any sense of self to any reality.

                • @[email protected]
                  27 months ago

                  There’s implied if to the idiot statement.

                  You’re an idiot to think that money defines you.

                  There is no implied “if” there. The English is very simple and clear, if you didn’t realize what you were saying, you’re just confirming how delusional you are.

                  I’m absolutely serious when I say this: your grasp on reality seems tenuous. Seek help.

                  • @[email protected]
                    17 months ago

                    There is no implied “if” there.

                    Implied. Not literally written. IMPLIED

                    The English is very simple and clear

                    No the fuck it isn’t. If you think otherwise, you’re ignorant.

                    Pretty much 'Nuff there. You wanna run your dumbass mouth about shit you don’t know shit about and won’t educate yourself then I’ve given you far more words than you’re worth.