• @[email protected]
    5 months ago

    My apologies. https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-transgender-children-hormone-treatment-age-five-760207688998

    I’m still sketched about puberty blockers too. We are just “pausing” biology? I get it for legitimate medical situations, but 10-12 isn’t exactly an age I’d considered mentally developed and very easily influenced by those around them/the internet. We don’t let kids get tattoos on their own before 18, yet we are allowing them (with parental consent) to make chemical changes to their bodies that can have permanent side effects? It doesn’t add up to me.

    I also recognize the fact that pretty much after 12, puberty has begun and there’s no going back to 10 when the hormones will be most effective. It’s certainly a complex issue society is facing, I dont belive the medical advancements have quite caught up to. Once there is less risk for permanent side effects, and there is a complete “reverse path” for anyone looking to un-transition (which some do), then it’ll be easier to say yes, let’s get the kids on to this while its the best opportunity.

    • @[email protected]
      105 months ago

      , yet we are allowing them (with parental consent) to make chemical changes to their bodies that can have permanent side effects?

      It’s about avoiding permanent changes, that change being puberty. The blockers are precisely to buy them time until they’re old enough to go all the way.

      Puberty occurs naturally at staggeringly varying ages, is influenced by a gazillion of environmental factors, the body can deal with it happening earlier or later perfectly fine.

      Though it has to be said that there’s some side effects not to blockers as such but late vs. early puberty, if you’re on blockers until 16 and then go off you might end up being a bit shorter than you’d otherwise turned out. Which is why, like always in medicine, intervention has to be balanced with doing nothing regarding risks vs. risks, and in the case of kids presenting trans that’s always on the side of yes they get blockers because stuff like being shorter is benign, while the increased dysphoria and everything that comes along with undergoing the wrong puberty is an absolute mind-wrecker. Suicide is a worse health outcome, you see.

    • Flying Squid
      75 months ago

      At what age should puberty be paused? Because you can’t really pause it after it happens.

    • @[email protected]
      65 months ago

      IIRC the only issues with puberty blockers is bone density might be a little lower - otherwise puberty has been found to just resume as normal when you’re off.

    • @[email protected]
      -35 months ago

      They’re a terrible idea and will certainly cause irreversible damage to the child. Bone mineralisation in particular is just not something that can be paused. Waiting to be called a fascist in 3, 2, 1…

    • @[email protected]
      -75 months ago

      Sounds like you don’t know much about the situation, so shut the fuck up and let the medical professionals work with patients and their families to make the decisions. It doesn’t affect you so take your opinion and shove it up your ass so it will be in good company.

      • @[email protected]
        5 months ago

        That’s unnecessarily hostile. Are they preventing medical professionals from working with their patients with this question?

        They even apologized for being wrong and fact checked themselves. That to me shows someone who’s talking about things in good faith.

        As someone who also would like to learn how to advise a potential kid in the future, I’d hope I can ask questions in good faith without getting chewed out.

        • @[email protected]
          5 months ago

          The top level comment burned all of the good faith I’m willing to extend that user. I’m done dealing with people who are “just asking questions”, or “have weird feelings” while half the states in my country are trying to outlaw my existence.

          • @[email protected]
            5 months ago

            You do you in terms of how much patience you’re willing to lend folks. You’re under no obligation to explain things for the umpteenth time, feeling the need to justify your life. It sucks.

            However I will point out that the person willing to fact check themselves for misunderstanding hormone therapy is (probably) not the person who’s trying to outlaw your existence.

            • @[email protected]
              -15 months ago

              Quick dig through their comments they are also pushing border conspiracies, so they probably are that kind of person.

              • @[email protected]
                5 months ago

                Oof. Maybe the person who, if discussing in good faith, needs to hear it the most, but defending your existence when you’re just chilling online is not the business. May you have a good, meme-filled day.

                • @[email protected]
                  5 months ago

                  Here’s the comment they are referring to; https://lemmy.world/comment/7138377 A bit further than a “quick scroll”, but okay.

                  The first sentence was “correct me if I’m wrong” and no one bothered to respond, just down vote and bury any different opinion.

                  In this comment thread someone actually responded, which I appreciate.

                  Part of my problem is I tend to mix in exaggerated extreme edge cases that dont represent the whole, on either side of the issues - a twisted sense of ‘humor’ that is not appreciated by most. (However, the satire should have been evident based on the ridiculous “examples” I gave. (“wears men jeans for the pockets”?)

                  Here’s some of my actual beliefs on these topics, briefly and poorly worded.

                  Transgenders - live how you want, but as a society we need to be careful how we present the information to children. Children will do pretty much anything for attention and are very susceptible to peer pressure and influencers. Just look at the tide pod debacle.

                  As adults we need to carefully separate children who jump on the hype train from the ones with legitimate body dysmorphic disorder and get them all the appropriate help they need - a system that is already in place.

                  Taking any drug has potential for side effects, these puberty blockers have the risk of messing with bone density and fertility. While I assume, like most drugs, these effects are rare - can we really in good faith ask a ten year old “do you want to risk never having a child?” Personally, I belive the answer is no.

                  Boarder - if they enter legally - great, let’s get them the help they need to start a new life in America.

                  If they enter illegally - okay, let’s figure out who you are, why you’re here and if you’re just looking for asylum - cool, let’s get you processed legally. If you have a bad criminal record or are committing crimes while here - goodbye.

                  I have nothing wrong with allowing people from other nations to enter legally, in fact I encourage it - that’s what this nation was built on. But to just sit back and watch people walk in from anywhere doesn’t make any sense to me.