• As the movies communities are either dead or seems to be enjoying down voting these kinda wuestions to hell and this question is well in the limits with this community .
  • Recommend movies that have a very good plot with no plotholes (this is very important for me as a movie watcher) , doesn’t feel too dated ,has solid 3 dimensional character and arc , good direction and good acting ?
  • Some of mine are
  • Donnie darko
  • American psycho
  • Fight club
  • Seven
  • The prestige
  • Panic room
  • Zodiac
  • Taxi driver
  • So share your favourites and please no comedy,romance or jumpscare horrors. You can use my list to kinda get an idea of the specific type of movies i am asking for here . And also if you can give a short spoiler free TLDR and attach a trailer that would ve appreciated . Thanks in advance.
  • freamon
    35 months ago

    You seem to like David Fincher a lot. It’s a shame that ‘Girl with the Dragon Tattoo’ is 2011, I suppose.

    This kind of thing is something that algorithms are better at than people - the resources are there, so you may as well use them.

    Anyway, a well-regarded but often forgotten (by me at least) recommendation: Dead Man’s Shoes (2004). (don’t Google it beforehand though). Trailer: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hChf0hmh0fM

      5 months ago

      I have seen the girl with the dragon tattoo and i gotta say its one of the few movies to leave me sad and on the verge of tears. And i don’t have an algorithm as i use a newpipe fork called pipepipe. Also i do love david fincher the most of the great films i have seen from that era seems to be his.

      • freamon
        25 months ago

        By algorithms, I just meant Google or AI: mostly rubbish of course, but shit-hot at answering ‘Best 90s films’ type questions.

        I suspect you get downvotes a lot 'cos no-one wants to do the drudge work that tech can actually handle.

          25 months ago

          I have actually kinda searched for that but i have watched most of the results because they display based on popularity , box offuce succes etc.