just saw the notice to come and introduce myself, so here i am. i moved from lemmy.world since it had issues with stability and i’m having a good time. i have a short into in my profile so please feel free to check it out, and ask any questions if you’re curious.

  • @WanderMA
    41 year ago

    Welcome! Hope you enjoy your stay here at Yiffit! We should not have stability issues since we don’t have the load that lemmy.world has. You might experience a bit of downtime or images not loading while I do upgrades or stuff, but otherwise it should be stable (aside from lemmy bugs).

    Enjoy and thank you for joining!

    • @DuchessOP
      31 year ago

      thanks! yeah i’ve noticed a little downtime today but honestly i was blaming that on work wifi being slow. it’s certainly much more stable than lemmy.world

      • @WanderMA
        31 year ago

        I was doing a little upgrade to the pict-rs service. Sometimes it seems to take a bit to get back to normal, probably due to cloudflare cache. I’m trying to figure out exactly where the problem lies, but it generally goes away after a few minutes and only happens when I’m doing some maintenance.

        • @DuchessOP
          21 year ago

          yeah i got a cloudflare error briefly but honestly i lost access to calckey around the same time so i’m thinking there was also an issue my end