• 🇰 🔵 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️
    5 months ago

    Man, of only Wet Ass Pussy existed back in those days, I feel like actually finding porn on a .WAP site would have been incredibly easy.

    I had a Razr myself; after having a Sidekick. Going back to that shitty mobile web browsing experience fucking sucked. Even if you managed to find boobs on it, they’re gonna be low resolution and lack a lot of color.

    Unless the dude means the smartphone remake of the Razr? Or he used the OG even after the iPhone came out? He said he racked up a data bill but, like… They didn’t have “data” service back then. They had talk and text. Maybe 3 or 4 phones even had real internet stuff for power users, and it was slow as fuck because you’re using the incredibly slow cell network.