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Simply mention @[email protected] with the text "draw for me " and then the text that you would like it to draw and I will draw you an image matching your prompt, post it in this community and then reply with a link to each image! Optionally you can provide a “style:” as well. Example: []( draw for me a beautiful night style: fantasy

This is a free service provided through the AI Horde. Please consider supporting us on Patreon or onboarding your own worker onto the horde if you enjoy this bot!

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  • Snoopy
    5 months ago

    @[email protected] draw for me a city with vegetable crops and gardens, bicycle, solarpanel, bus, without any cars.

    Prompt: a city with vegetable crops and gardens, bicycle, solarpanel, bus, without any cars.

    Style: fustercluck

    Image with seed 1715080832 generated via AI Horde through Prompt: a city with vegetable crops and gardens, bicycle, solarpanel, bus, without any cars.###Image with seed 1715080832 generated via AI Horde through Prompt: a city with vegetable crops and gardens, bicycle, solarpanel, bus, without any cars.###Image with seed 1715080832 generated via AI Horde through Prompt: a city with vegetable crops and gardens, bicycle, solarpanel, bus, without any cars.###Image with seed 1715080832 generated via AI Horde through Prompt: a city with vegetable crops and gardens, bicycle, solarpanel, bus, without any cars.###

    • @[email protected]
      15 months ago

      ça manque un peu d’originalité. C’est juste des grosses jardinières qui occupent des rues bien larges.

      • Snoopy
        25 months ago

        Bien vue, on peut l’exclure avec les ### juste je sais pas comment rédiger le prompt. C’est un peu hit-miss :)

    • Snoopy
      15 months ago

      @[email protected] draw for me a city with vegetable crops and gardens. And a bicycle and bus lane. Some houses have solarpanel on their rooftop.###cars.

      • AI Horde BotB
        15 months ago

        Here are some images matching your request

        Prompt: a city with vegetable crops and gardens. And a bicycle and bus lane. Some houses have solarpanel on their rooftop.

        Style: fustercluck

        Image with seed 970847070 generated via AI Horde through Prompt: a city with vegetable crops and gardens. And a bicycle and bus lane. Some houses have solarpanel on their rooftop.###cars.Image with seed 970847070 generated via AI Horde through Prompt: a city with vegetable crops and gardens. And a bicycle and bus lane. Some houses have solarpanel on their rooftop.###cars.Image with seed 970847070 generated via AI Horde through Prompt: a city with vegetable crops and gardens. And a bicycle and bus lane. Some houses have solarpanel on their rooftop.###cars.Image with seed 970847070 generated via AI Horde through Prompt: a city with vegetable crops and gardens. And a bicycle and bus lane. Some houses have solarpanel on their rooftop.###cars.