Disregarding the DE-shaming (which, lol who cares? let people use what they like) how do you even figure OP uses Gnome? I can’t make out anything on their screen from the picture apart from the neofetch.
I guess I was wrong. But I just can’t stand gnome. Their devs are insufferable and it’s so incredibly unconfigurable. I have to use it at work (at least I can use linux) and it’s just so frustrating. I can’t stand people voluntarily using gnome
Uh, no need to apologize? I’m not offended at “Gnome being garbage”. I don’t feel any offense at all, to be honest.
I am slightly annoyed at the “too-bad-it’s-Gnome” comment, which is why I pointed it out. It’s fine to not like Gnome, heck, I don’t like Gnome. I don’t see why that should translate into having a shitty attitude towards people who do like it. I’m just glad people are using FOSS, whether it be some nerd dev on an obscure tiling WM perfectly customized to suit their needs, or some tech-illiterate noobie using Linux Mint and a GUI software manager.
Do you have the menubar (file, edit, view, etc) up top like OSX? That’s like the one feature from OSX that I actually like, I tried to hack something together with KDE but it’s pretty janky and only works sometimes.
Too bad it’s gnome. May as well use Windows
Disregarding the DE-shaming (which, lol who cares? let people use what they like) how do you even figure OP uses Gnome? I can’t make out anything on their screen from the picture apart from the neofetch.
I guess I was wrong. But I just can’t stand gnome. Their devs are insufferable and it’s so incredibly unconfigurable. I have to use it at work (at least I can use linux) and it’s just so frustrating. I can’t stand people voluntarily using gnome
How does this affect you in any way, though?? I get being frustrated at having to use it, that blows, but why do you care if others use it?
Because its popularity is why it gets chosen as default on distros, and then those distros get chosen by companies as the only supported distro.
If gnome was a niche thing I wouldn’t care. But it being the default is actively harmful, and choosing to use it voluntarily is furthering that
I’m sorry that Gnome being garbage offends you.
Uh, no need to apologize? I’m not offended at “Gnome being garbage”. I don’t feel any offense at all, to be honest.
I am slightly annoyed at the “too-bad-it’s-Gnome” comment, which is why I pointed it out. It’s fine to not like Gnome, heck, I don’t like Gnome. I don’t see why that should translate into having a shitty attitude towards people who do like it. I’m just glad people are using FOSS, whether it be some nerd dev on an obscure tiling WM perfectly customized to suit their needs, or some tech-illiterate noobie using Linux Mint and a GUI software manager.
That’s dwm
Ah my mistake, carry on then. I just get triggered by people voluntarily using gnome
I voluntarily use gnome. I spent years on Mac os and I make gnome look like osx.
I never used a mac, used ubuntu unity for a year, and spend the rest of my life on Windows.
I started using gnome last year, and I just feel like the workflow is so intuitive and productive, I cannot stand any Windows-like workflow any more.
I love the super key so much LOL.
Do you have the menubar (file, edit, view, etc) up top like OSX? That’s like the one feature from OSX that I actually like, I tried to hack something together with KDE but it’s pretty janky and only works sometimes.
Hey, same. What did you use?
The KDE Global Application Menu Widget I think
I figured, but is there any reliable way to hide the toolbar from the windows in KDE? So that the widget is not redundant. I couldn’t find any.
I think it’s in the settings, but like I said it’s not very reliable anyway and my laptop is dead right now. I’ll check in a little bit
That’s a feature that I’ve personally learned to live without. Never really tried on gnome to make anything similar so idk what’s out there.