I was so hyped before Fallout 76 and I was so disappointed after the launch and just threw it into the trash.
Bethesda can deliver triple A hype but the whole development story and the customer service behind Fallout 76 is just disgusting. The only positive about the whole disaster: This video. In my opinion it’s one of the best and entertaining videos of all time on YouTube. Watch it before you preorder.
I feel like I’m one of the only ones that enjoyed 76…
Well, now we are two. Fo76 never disappointed me. Though I did wonder if they were crazy for focusing so much on PvP early on in a game so clearly unbalanced.
Though I wish they could have exanded the map a bit. Once everything was explored and the original main campaign was beat, I lost interest. Tried the new main campaign too, introducing NPCs, but the quests just took me to the same old places, and was thematically uninteresting and didn’t fit the world. BoS was better, but again theres a limit to how often I want to enter the few same buildings to find a quest item.
There are dozens of you!