When I tell people I’ve never seen the Lion King they are really baffled by that.

    • @[email protected]
      59 months ago

      While I know what you mean, I think for some it could take a bit longer for them to know if they like it. You’ll know if you like the gratuitous violence very quickly, but the first episode spends a lot of time laying down the show’s delightfully cynical worldview. I knew by the end of the first episode I liked the show, but I wouldn’t say I knew within the first 5 minutes.

      • @[email protected]
        59 months ago

        Not exactly spoiler material as it happens in the first 5 mins of the series but when A-Train runs through Hughie’s girlfriend in a mist of red while Hughie is still holding her hands/forearms… I was like… DDDAAAAMMMNNN. This is awesome. From there it just got better.