It’s worth noting that due to brilliant design decisions, the only way to put different tires on it is to replace the whole wheel. edit: apparently this part was not correct, my apologies for the misinformation

  • Zagorath
    16 months ago

    Isn’t replacing the wheel what you do on a normal car too? I’ve always found the use of the phrase “change the tyre” on cars weird, because it’s not like you actually take off just the tyre and put a new one on, like with a bike. Speaking of which, do car tyres have inner tubes inside them?

    • @[email protected]
      26 months ago

      It is like a bike :). The wheel is the metal/plastic part in the middle. The tyre is the outer rubber part. They will take the wheel of the car to replace the tyre but unless the wheel is also damaged you will get the same one back. Regarding the inner tube some have a tube and some don’t same for bikes actually.

      • Zagorath
        16 months ago

        Oh okay. So when getting a new tyre to replace an old one, that’s the same as a bike, then?

        But I think it’s still probably right to say that “wheel” would be more accurate when referring to your “spare tyre”, wouldn’t it? And probably also when talking about rotating tyres?

        • @[email protected]
          6 months ago

          Yeah the rubber part gets replaced.

          Correct the spare tyre is the wheel+tyre as you can’t just swap the tyre on your own. And yeah rotating is just moving wheel+tyre to a new position on the car so the tyre gets a different wear pattern which helps it last longer.