I came across a post in a Michigan community that mentioned this, and i asked if it really happened because it seems so crazy that Republican collaborators would directly mail in fake documents saying Trump won states he lost and I hadn’t even really heard about it.

But this is exactly what happened, as I found out today after looking for more corroborating sources:



Trump republicans in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Arizona, Wisconsin, Nevada, and New Mexico forged false elector certificates and actually mailed in those forged electoral certificates to the national archives, that were examined and found to be forgeries, with trump, Rudy Giuliani and John Eastman as the ring leaders calling hundreds of Republicans to ask them to directly commit election fraud and forgery.

Some of them said yes. A bunch of them said yes, actually.

  • @[email protected]OP
    76 months ago

    I don’t think it is, I just read a couple articles and then found the Wikipedia page.

    I think other people knew about it, but for some reason aren’t making this as known as it should be. Or perhaps the American political process is not understood well or broadly enough that direct forgery and fraud isn’t making the impact it should when the story is reported on?

    I am confused as to why this is not a bigger story or a headline that the Democrats are running with, maybe because there haven’t been any convictions related to this yet?

    But thanks for bringing that up, I want to look into that and which media I should contact.

    Because more people should be reporting this.

    • @[email protected]
      6 months ago

      My $.02: media companies are interested in perpetuating the political horse race, because it is good for ad sales, so they softball a lot of the really heinous shit, so he looks at least something a normal-ish politician to large swaths of the American electorate who blindly consume their TV news.

      • Optional
        46 months ago

        This is absolutely the case. Also the head of all the corporate news sewer factories are all republiQan so. Y’know. They lie, cheat, steal. Etc.

      • @[email protected]OP
        16 months ago

        Could play a part. I definitely have to look more into why this is not being reported even as much as the Georgia telephone call was reported, which I also don’t think was covered heavily enough.