• Mac
    356 months ago

    Still fun 🤷🏻‍♂️

    • @[email protected]
      156 months ago

      lol fucking neckbeards downvoting someone for liking a game that YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO LIKE

      • Mac
        96 months ago

        It’s not my fault they haven’t at least tried the four times a year free fly events lately. Some of them have good reason to be salty, I still have ships I’ve been waiting years for and I’m not in the honeymoon phase with the game anymore.

        Overall it’s a smart way to fund development of a server meshing software you can license to other companies later. The game has technologies behind it specifically made to do this at business scale, and they are just applying them to a video game. (Kubernetes, microservices, containers, etc.)

        I wish the game would be finished already but as long as squadron 42 comes out idc. That’s originally what I backed.

        • @[email protected]
          86 months ago

          Unfortunately free fly events are usually the worst time to play. I wonder sometimes if it doesn’t chase away more than it attracts.

          • Mac
            66 months ago

            Honestly that is a fair point, it is a nice way to get people in that have been on the fence when you’re sherpa-ing them around

        • Mac
          76 months ago

          Anyone who has played elite and hasn’t played star citizen lately should

          • Since they said something was feature complete (squadron 42? I can’t remember) I’ve been waiting for a free fly event to try it again. Every other time I’ve tried it in the past, it was not good; performance was shit, and there wasn’t anything to do. I would hope it being feature complete means that at least the latter part has been remedied.

            • @[email protected]
              6 months ago

              There are two related games being built. One is Star Citizen (the MMO), the other is Squadron 42, a standalone single player game.

              The games share almost everything, so work on one benefits the other. Squadron 42 is the one that is now feature complete.

              What this means for Star Citizen is two things.

              1. A lot of really cool tech and gameplay features were being held back until they were ready to feature lock SQ42. All of that is now coming directly to SC. Most of it probably in the next big patch (Q1 this year).
              2. Most of the teams working on SQ42 are now being retasked to work full time on SC, so the rate of development for the latter should acellerate significantly.

              If you were unimpressed the last time you checked in, now is not the time to come back. But 6-12 months from now absolutely will be. I’m not promising you’ll be impressed by then, but you should at least see something new and different.

    • @[email protected]
      86 months ago

      When I played it enough to fly in spaceship mode instead of plane mode I really enjoyed it. Not tried it recently though.

      Is there any way to use bigger ships without paying money?

      • Mac
        6 months ago

        Absolutely, you can pretty quickly grind ships. Salvage is paying a lot right now so, rent a Vulture and have at it.

        You can rent ships in game for much less than the in game cost of the ship and every flyable ship is buyable in game that didn’t come out for the current patch. There are three new ships this patch but all 40-50 others are buyable in game.

          • Mac
            26 months ago

            Ask in chat to be in a reclaimer crew and the answer is a couple hours. If you really play by the gameplay loops, it all depends on what you want to grind. It takes 100 or so bounties to get to around a million credits but less for the next set as they get harder you make more money. There’s also plenty of illegal ways to make money but those have their obvious drawbacks

            • @[email protected]
              26 months ago

              So if you really play… 100 hours? 200 hours? Could I get a harder number estimate than 100+ bounties? How long is a bounty, 15h?

              • Mac
                6 months ago

                Haha you’re right sorry. Bounties take about 15 min or so if you’re taking your time. So 4 bounties an hour and you can easily get to the 15k+ bounties so 60k/h so like 20 hours.

                Thats pretty loose numbers as well, you can make more money with A Call to Arms to make extra cash with bounties and better bounties give you up to 70k (but starter ships can’t really do those hence not being included in my math).

                You can get the money faster salvaging currently. Vulture can be rented in game and scraping a ship will net you ~$100k a run and cost about 30 min of time.

                This means about every 15-20 hours of normal gameplay can net you 1-1.5 million with HRTs and a light fighter. There are many other ways to make money faster, but this is the fastest established gameplay loop (not salvage). Most ships are 3 million or less credits with ground vehicles being 750k or less. You absolutely do not need to spend real money on ships.

                If you play a few hours a day for a week you’ll have enough money for a ship. Worst case you can literally just say you’re new and ask for money in chat, people are very generous and welcoming on SC. The Reclaimer is making me about $2.5mil an hour sharing profit with my box boy lol.