• UnanimousStargazer
    11 year ago

    For some reason I received a gold membership for free for the duration of a month or so.

    Didn’t know what it was or what to do with it, but was allowed access to some subreddit that was only open to gold members.

    Well. It wasn’t very interesting IMO. Your regular run of the mill posts about nothing really.

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      I’ve gotten that several times because someone has put an award on my comment or post. I really don’t get why people would pay for it. The sub that I got access to was just filled with random people. Most of them just posted pictures of their pets. It really didn’t seem like anything of any value.

      • UnanimousStargazer
        01 year ago

        Not sure about the price now, but it apparently used to cost $29 per year in 2016 (!).

        Indeed who is paying for that? Or all those silly awards? It’s like buying some fancy ribbon for $10 in a store and donate that to a charity. The store likes it, but the charity probably would have been better off with the $10 instead of a ribbon.