
Question above is pretty blunt but was doing a study for a college course and came across that stat. How is that possible? My high school sucked but I was well equipped even with that sub standard level of education for college. Obviously income is a thing but to think 1 out of 5 American adults is categorized as illiterate is…astounding. Now poor media literacy I get, but not this. Edit: this was from a department of education report from 2022. Just incase people are curious where that comes from. It does also specify as literate in English so maybe not as grim as I thought.

    22 years ago

    I’m not sure why this post has so many downvotes, because this is accurate. I just started working somewhere that utilizes a lot of technical writing and there are style guides to make sure your writing is in its simplest and clearest form. Text is rated on the Gunning fog index, which uses words per sentence and syllables to calculate readability. Writing for the public is intended to be at an 8 or lower, meaning 8th grade readability or lower. I think many people never really learned to read at higher than an 8th grade level, and the rest get used to never reading higher in their daily lives.